JC Constructors recently completed this water tank project consisting of a buried 2.75MG AWWA Type 1 pre-stressed tank with associated piping, pressure reducing valves and a control building.
The site was selected by Veolia on the Birds of Prey ground due to its ideal site elevation in proximity to Veolia’s high pressure transmission line. Permission was granted on the condition it would not be very noticeable.
The tank is a large, 120’ diameter, 35’ sidewall tank, 32 interior columns, and a heavily reinforced concrete deck. JCC crews excavated nearly 20,000 CY into the steep hillside site to place the base slab. Work progressed with 35’ high wall forms and taller column forms, all work by JCC crews. Following subcontracted pre-stressing, JCC installed a very extensive 370,000 CF shoring system to support, form and place the heavy deck. The tank was then backfilled with up to 60’ plus fills with an extensive slope stability effort. Included in the fill effort was room for a new 800’ site access road across the very steep terrain. The project is now buried, the site is re-graded and re-seeded, and few will know it exists.
JC Constructors has constructed structural concrete for transportation structures, water treatment, and wastewater treatment.
JC Constructors has the equipment and expertise to complete deep and complex excavations. Many excavations require shoring to protect existing facilities.
JC Constructors constructed large diameter pipe, specialty pipe, and pipe containing high pressure fluids for water, wastewater, and energy facilities.
Process piping and equipment are a significant portion of most contracts JCC pursues. They nearly constantly have work progressing, both on mechanical piping and equipment procurement and installation. JCC’s process work has included treatment from potable water to municipal wastewater, sludge handling and industrial pre-treatment.